Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Buggy Lunch!

Hey there everyone. Sorry I haven't been around a few days but I have had a couple of kiddos not feeling well. Then a mama who was feeling bad too. Now everyone is feeling better including me. So I'm back!
So today was our second time using the new pink Goodbyn Bento that we found on clearance for $2.68. So far I really like it and wish I had more of them. So here's lunch!
It was a buggy Halloween Bento that my fifth grader picked out herself. Pepperonis & ham. Whole wheat crackers under the little cups, cucumbers, carrots, celery with peanut butter. She also had grapes & apples, a side salad and Halloween popcorn.
My other three used our regular lunch containers. They had everything in the top picture. It was just smaller amounts of veggies. Those three are not as good at eating their cold veggies as the fifth grader. They also did not take salad.
Getting kids to eat veggies can sometimes be hard but I always offer it. For that just in case time they decide to eat them. One of my third graders has been doing so much better with her veggies since I started making Bentos. She came home the other day and had ate all her veggies.
Have a great Thursday and if you have a picky eater keep on offering the good stuff because sometimes they do come around!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Homemade lunch box!

I know for the last several years my kiddos have been asking me every time they grocery shopping with me. Can I get one of those pre-packed lunches over there? The answer is always NO! I have seen many versions of these nifty little homemade treats floating around. I decided to start making our own. That way I control what goes in it. Besides they don't even eat half of what is in them anyway. They usually don't even contain fruit and I know they never have veggies. So here is our homemade version!

Homemade lunch box!
Crackers, pepperonis, ham, two cookies, apples & mandarin orange cups.
So if you are tired of saying no. Go ahead and try this out for size. I bet you get a huge smile and great satisfaction knowing you made the choices that best fit your family. Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

My lips are sealed!

Last night I decided that I would give my kids and you a theme free lunch. No frills. I wanted to take a break from Halloween themed lunches. I wanted to give you something else to show you how simple lunch packing could be. so I pulled out the French rolls to make a sandwich and a lunch theme was born.

My lips are sealed!
A very quick and simple little lunch. The girls had ham on French rolls, pretzels, grapes and a few organic sandwich cookies.
When you do bento lunches for your kids you start to see a theme everywhere. I pulled the rolls out and said these look like lips. So there was my theme. I sent them to school with some love from mama. I used two little heart shaped food picks that I picked up from Dollar Tree. Just $1 for 50 multi-colored picks.

Well of course I could not send my son to school with lips in his lunch box. He would have flipped out. so I made him this.

Pepperoni sandwich
He had a pepperoni sub on the same bread as the girls. Pretzel shapes, cheese crackers, grapes and organic sandwich cookies.
This is an excellent example of how two lunches with basically the same ingredients can be so different. Have a great Wednesday!  

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lunch for one.

Hello all! Today I only had to pack for one. Two of the kiddos were home not feeling well and one didn't need lunch today. I had prepped a super easy lunch last night. It was so easy to get that one lunch finished this morning. So here is todays lunch!

Today my 10 year old had this Super Simple Cracker Stacker lunch. Crackers, cheese crackers, pepperonis, carrots, grapes and a Jack-o-lantern Clementine. She also had cubed homemade cereal treats and Halloween pretzels. This was so easy and fast. I don't know about your kids but mine love snacky type lunches. Hope everyone has a super Tuesday!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Hello Monday!

Hello all. Today is Monday. As if you didn't know it was Monday. If you are anything like me you dread Monday mornings. Setting the clock. Getting up early to pack lunch and get your sweet kiddos out the door on time. In a perfect world Mondays would be smooth sailing. In my world I have no such luck. But today I have a special treat for my little monsters. I did my first color detail on a sandwich. It was so easy. Of course I had some help from my blogger friends. They are a great bunch and give the best advice on things you are new at. I will introduce you to some of their blogs later!
So in todays lunch the kids had skeleton man p.b.&j. sammies. Also one that said EEK!  They also had festive popcorn, pretzels, grapes & orange segments. For a special treat I made cereal bars. My fifth grader also had some yummy carrots packed under the sammies.

EEK! A skeleton is in my lunch!
The carrots were wrapped in parchment. Then in a cut paper sack and sealed with a sweet little Halloween sticker. I made the sandwiches with my Halloween cookie press cutters. I then painted the skeletons face with a paint brush(new of course)and gel food icing! Easy as pie! Hope everyone has a marvelous Monday! 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Spooktacular Lunch!

Fall is undeniably in the air here in Virginia. The rain is coming down and there is a chill in the air. This is my favorite time of year. The trees are turning and it is a beautiful site to behold. That being said. Let take a look at lunch!

Witches sand pumpkins and bats! Oh My!
In todays lunch the girls had leftover chicken tenders on a croissant, apple slices, organic sandwich cookies, and pretzels. Take a close look the pretzels are shaped like bats and pumpkins. Let's not forget a favorite. Candy corn!

The boy had a leftover chicken tender & spaghetti. He also had organic sandwich cookies, apple slices and pretzels.

I also made a special lunch for grandma today. She has been asking me to brew her up a lunch since I started doing bentos. Grandmas lunch has Halloween popcorn mix, Apple Newton's, Smart Puffs and three little sandwiches. Let's not forget the candy corn. To make the sandwich I used some cookie press cutters in a bat shape and one that spelled BOO! Such a quick and simple little lunch!

Special lunch for grandma!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fairy Bread!


Pumpkin Fairy Bread!
Hello all! Todays lunch is another Halloween theme! All the kids had the same thing today. With the exception of the boy. His was a little different. They all had a Fairy bread sandwich, snack mix, popcorn, fruit salad and a cute little skewer of ghost marshmallows. The sandwiches had chocolate spread in the middle. The only difference was my sons sandwich had peanut butter.

I got the idea for the fairy bread from a lovely little blog called Mama Belly Lunches With Love!  The kids love these simple little sandwiches. They are pretty much effortless. You just use a cookie cutter to make the shape in the bread. On the other half that you didn't cut, spread whatever kind of spread or jelly you want. Put the sandwich together. Then use your favorite sprinkles in the cut out shape. Viola! You have just made a simple sandwich into a super cute special treat!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Croisant Sandwiches

It is a terribly terrific Tuesday over here at Yummy Bites by Amy! It's so quiet that I think the ghost and ghouls must be napping! The kids had another hauntingly delicious lunch today. The girls had tavern ham on a croissant, mandarin oranges, grapes, Halloween popcorn, apple Newton's, Halloween mini cookies, a few chocolate covered pretzels and carrots.

For the girls!
  My son had all of the above except he had a leftover chicken tender on his croissant.

For the boy!
I hope that you have a terribly terrific Tuesday too!!!
Head on over to to check out all my other lunches and all my Bento friends pages!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Hello there!

Hey there everyone! Welcome to Yummy Bites by Amy! This is my very first blog post so everyone bear with me. I am not at all computer savvy and am learning as I go. Here is a little about me. I am a stay at home mama to four wonderful kids. A 16 year old girl, a 10 year old girl, and 8 year old boy/ girl twins. I am a full time chef, nurse, maid and so much more. I love crafting, sewing, cooking just about anything, organizing and last but not least making cute bento lunches for all my babies! Those are all the things this bog will be about. I am looking forward to chatting with all of you and sharing the fun of all my adventures. Keep coming back. you will not be sorry. You're in for a real treat. You can find me on Facebook @ Yummy Bites!