Hey there. Hope you had a fabulous holiday weekend. We hung out by the pool and grilled out all weekend long. The kiddos are still recovering from all the swimming and mom is trying to pull the house back together after a long weekend of doing almost nothing. Ha ha! We all need a break sometimes! The kids went back to school yesterday and I can tell they are so ready for summer vacation. Am I ready? Well, heck no! I have mixed feeling about summer. I have what you would call a love hate relationship with it. I love the aspect of not being on a schedule or tied down to anything. But I also hate the fact that this too small house is overflowing with people. Now don't get me wrong I love the kids being here, Why else would I have had them? But when the whining starts I begin to count down the days until the new school year begins. Now that I have all that off my chest lets check out todays lunch.

Today I packed five lunches. In this first picture I packed flatbread ham and swiss sandwiches for three. They are all tailored to suit each persons taste.
The two youngest girls wanted leftover hot dogs from the grill so that is what they got. Waste not want not I say. Each lunch has fruits and veggies of their choice. The boy wanted to buy lunch today so he has a school lunch today.
These super simple meals took little time to throw together. Have a great day and I will see you around real soon!
Can you tell me where you got the little packets of ketchup? Thank you!