Man last week was brutal. The hubs had an accident at work (he is fine). Then the middle girl came home from school with a twisted wrist and swollen fingers. That was Thursday. So I rushed her to urgent care only to be told that it wasn't broken but if it still hurt Sunday night that she would need to see a specialist because, guess what? It may still be broken. Well it is Sunday evening and it still hurts, it's still swollen and she still can't move the wrist and three fingers. So back to the doctor tomorrow for her and probably on to the orthopedic doctor as well. That's not it! Now the two younger kiddos have fevers, headaches and tummy aches. And the oldest is all itchy! Oh man what a week! No wonder I didn't get a chance to post lunches. Heck I didn't even get a chance to make lunches Thursday and Friday! But that's okay. All will be back to normal soon. Here are a couple of lunches from Wednesday.

This is lunch for my niece. She has a lovely salad, Laughing Cow cheese, pepperonis, apples, a half of a clementine and honey mustard pretzel crisp.
This is lunch for the youngest girl. She has a ham sandwich, apples, a half of a clementine, carrots, peppers, cheese, cashews and peppers.
You can find some of the products used to make this lunch by clicking on the pictures below. This post contains affiliate links.

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